My Dear Folk,
This is the first issue of The Chronicle since the death of Fr. Jarvis. It is surely appropriate for us to reflect on that remarkable life of Fr. Jarvis. Priest, preacher, teacher, friend and fellow pilgrim on this earthly sojourn – he was all these and much more. Indeed, those of us who knew him primarily through this aspect of his life, often knew but a little of his reputation and accomplishments in other areas. In this issue of The Chronicle we pay tribute to Tony Jarvis. There is much that we can learn from his example and from his teaching; there is much in his life and in his loving service for which we can give thanks to Almighty God.
This tribute begins with some thoughts which I shared in this year’s Annual Report to the parish; it concludes with the last sermon that Tony preached to his beloved Parish. As for the past two decades Tony’s Letter would always appear on the final pages of each Chronicle, it is only fitting for him once again to have the last word.
Fr. Jarvis
Acknowledgements: For permission to reprint the homilies and addresses which are included in this issue we are very grateful to the Revd. Dr. D. Stuart Dunnan, Headmaster of Saint James School; Kerry P. Brennan, Headmaster, The Roxbury Latin School; and the Very Rev’d Andrew McGowan, Dean and President, Berkeley Divinity School. For the use of the photograph gracing the cover, I also want to thank Bruce McLay, photographer, and Ruth Godderz, editor.
Photo Album
Photographer / Photography Editor: Ruth Godderz