All Saints is a community from Boston, the nearby South Shore, and from points further away. Those who worship here include both Episcopalians and other baptized Christians who find the faith and worship of this Christian community meaningful, as well as those seeking to find a place to experience God's presence. Much parish business (and a good deal of fun and pleasantries) happens at coffee hour, so if you want to find out what makes All Saints, Ashmont the place it is, a good first step is to join us in Peabody Hall for some refreshment after the Mass.
If you are looking for opportunities to be a part of the every week business of the community, here are some ministries where you would be very welcome...

Acolyte Guild
“Here am I”
The corps of acolytes assists the clergy at the altar—at solemn mass on Sundays, at solemn evensong and benediction, and especially during Holy Week and on feast days.
Altar Guild
“O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the vessels and washing the linens used for each of the low masses and for the solemn mass.Choir Volunteers
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord"
There are many ways volunteers help the choir program. Here are just three....
Epiphany School Volunteers
"And Jesus called a little child unto him..."
Each month a small band of All Saints' parishioners set up, serve, and clean up after the evening meal at the Epiphany School, a nearby independent middle school.
Flower Guild
“Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him”
The Flower Guild works to adorn the church with arrangements of flowers most holy days and Sundays of the year.
“Some have entertained angels unawares”
Hospitality to guests and to members of our parish family is a basic virtue. The Hospitality Committee prepares for several large after-service receptions each year
“All things come of thee, O LORD, and of thine own have we given thee.”
Providing consistent financial support to our parish is essential to our own spiritual health; it is essential to the health of the parish.