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Low Mass 8:00 am
in the Lady Chapel
Solemn High Mass at 10:00 am
sung by the Choir of All Saints
Wednesday 10 am
Low Mass is celebrated in the Lady Chapel. This is followed by a coffee hour hosted in the Guild Hall by regular mass-goers.
All Saints is a community from Boston, the nearby South Shore, and from points further away. Those who worship here include both Episcopalians and other baptized Christians who find the faith and worship of this Christian community meaningful, as well as those seeking to find a place to experience God's presence. Much parish business (and a good deal of fun and pleasantries) happens at coffee hour, so if you want to find out what makes All Saints, Ashmont the place it is, a good first step is to join us in Peabody Hall for some refreshment after the Mass. If you are looking for opportunities to be a part of the every week business of the community, here are some ministries where you would be very welcome...
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in People of all saints
in People of all saints
in People of all saints
in People of all saints
in People of all saints
in People of all saints
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in People of all saints
in People of all saints